Eagles never lie.
They carry high spiritual power and when they come to you, you better pay close attention.
They're messengers of the Great Spirit. They're a good omen.
Eagles, or Wanbli, as they're called in Lakota, have been showing me the way throughout another tough battle, at another time in my life.
Anytime I was dreaming of eagles, or seeing them while vision questing on top of Bear Butte, they were announcing something good coming.
Well, my friends, eagles have been good to me this time too.
As soon as I finished writing about my dream, the hospital called.
My sister has been transferred from intensive therapy to "surveillance'.
This means less risks of life-threatening possibilities, less death energy around. Twice as many possibilities for me to see her, and "work" with her stimulating her vital points.
So I'll be going to the hospital tonight one hour earlier, lighter on my feet and in my heart.
Thank you Wakan Tanka. The universe did listen to my voice!
As I wrote here just a little while ago, I believe only in dancing gods.
Dance and dream your life. It will be a happier one!
Sempre avanti così!
Posted by: Luciana "Mutante" | February 16, 2006 at 05:47 AM
I am happy to read all this succes: you deserve it completely. Proud to work with you in Boston, next june. Please, take all the good thoughts streaming from my heart to you...
Posted by: Mistifica | June 22, 2007 at 01:54 AM